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Diamond Planet

 Worry about the soaring price of Gold ? Don't worry , at least now
 we can look up to a planet for diamond it seems, at least through our eyes .

 Yes Astronomers claim to have found a planet entirely made of diamonds.
In the journal Science, an International team of Scientists reported their discovery .

 They have unearthed a once-massive star in the Milky Way that has been transformed into a small planet made of the precious rock..

The team  made up of scientists from Australia, Italy, Germany, Britain and the U.S.A .They first detected an unusual star, called a pulsar, and followed up their discovery using a telescope based in an observatory in Cheshire.

Pulsars are small spinning stars more than ten miles in diameter , the size of a small city ,  that emit a beam of radio waves.

The researchers think that  the "diamond planet"  is all that remains of the original star, most of whose matter was siphoned off towards the pulsar.

 Research team member Dr. Michael Keith of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Australia said this remnant is likely to be largely carbon and oxygen.

A star made of lighter elements like hydrogen and helium would be too big to fit the measured orbiting times,”  he said .

This material is certain to be crystalline, that is, a large part of the star may be similar to a diamond, the researchers said.

The pulsar, dubbed  as PSR J1719-1438, and its planet are part of the Milky Way’s plane of stars and lie 4,000 light-years away in the constellation of Serpens.

It orbits the pulsar in just two hours and ten minutes, and the distance between the two objects is about 373,000 miles — a little less than the radius of our sun.

Though it is in small size, the planet has slightly more mass than Jupiter.

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