It costs approximately 38 Trillion dollars to create OXYGEN for 6 months for all Human beings on earth. "TREES DO IT FOR FREE" "Respect them and Save them" "SAVE TREES SAVE EARTH"



Do you  remember a small bird which was around us all through our younger days? Can you able to remember it's chirping sounds . 

In our houses , trees, fields it was every where around us once. Yes . I am talking about the little cute bird Sparrow , which are harmless and survived  on food grains and tiny worms.

Where are they gone now ? Well , in the name of  development and technology we have lost lot of precious things . One such thing is  little Sparrow which are now disappearing from  our eyes , and their numbers are declining across the world.

There may be many reasons for this, destruction of their habitat, mobile phone towers etc .

To create awareness about declining Sparrows ,   20th March is observed as World Sparrow day . 

Isn't our duty to protect these birds and animals which are in extinction stage , so that the ecological balance of the earth is preserved . Let us try to create awareness , try to build more trees and try other ways to save these birds  , before they become endangered .

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