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Today is International Men's day. Any body cares?

Wish all the  Men in the World on the International Men's day . We are wishing every one for Friends day ,Vallentines day, Mothers day , etc. But whether any one wish you on this day .

Atleast let me be  the one who wish you  all men in the World. Every year  November 19th is marked as International men's day by the UNESCO. This day focus on men's and boy's health.

This day is celebrated in over 60 Countries including India . This year this day is observed for Boys. To focus in the areas of  health , education, and family life of boys and to give them the best possible start in their life.

1 comment:

Seema said...

Wish you a very Happy Men's Day,
All the best for your bright future,May God bless you and fulfills all your dreams