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Recently I went to attend a function of one my relative . There I met one of my relation who is an old man and who is in his eighties.

Though he has sons and daughters who are all well off now , he is now living in an old age people home. One of his son has brought him to attend the function from the home.The old man is in the old age people home for couple of years.

When I had a chat with that old man , I was surprised by his words. When I asked him , after this function are you going to reside again with one of your sons or daughters? Have you vacate your home ? The old man replied in negative . He said he is very much like to stay in the old age home., rather than staying in his sons or daughters home. Enough is enough . Now I enjoy a peaceful, pleasant life . After my wife's death, I was treated like an odd person to live, with my sons , their wives, and even for my daughters. They all thought that , i am like an unwanted luggage to carry with them . I lost all my freedom, all my peace . Though me and my wife struggled very hard to give a good life to my sons and my daughters where they are now . All my life went with my wife .

But in the home I realize my self , I am very busy with my other friends who are also in their end of their life, who are also left by their sons or others for one or other reasons. We enjoy our world .We draw, we sing , we read , we do all sort of things we did in our young days . All I want now is let God take me to him at the earliest and in a peaceful manner.

Why this is happening in a country known for it's cultures. For the last two generations people prefer short families. We shrink our family to our self, our wife , our children . That's all . There is no place for elders . We easily forget the people who brought up us , by whom we are now in a position in the society , that is "OUR PARENTS" .

We find time to spend with our wife,our children , our friends, our neighbours , , but we never find time to spare with our parents . With out their sacrifice will we be here ? All they need is some kind words , kind attention , that's all !

In a country known for it's rich heritage , and culture isn't a shame for all of us , not protecting our elder parents in their old age ?


1 comment:

Shri Ram Ayyangar said...

All this because of the values which are now a vanishing breed.